The 7 Step Conversation Map Book
How to have the conversations you’re avoiding.
(without ending up in a fight)
the step-by-step map every woman needs so you get the juicy, loving and supportive relationships you actually want

In this 20 page guide book, you’ll find a map that takes you through the 7 steps required to have heart-to-heart conversations.
These are the exact steps I use and teach all my clients.
When you use your voice and speak from your heart’s frequency you change your relationships.
Go from being resentful and burnt out to calm and feeling supported so you get the loving, supportive relationships you want AND teach your children to do the same.
Most women have been taught that people pleasing, fitting in and gossip are how to get the relationships they want.
The real secret to relationships that thrive?
Honesty, authenticity and aligning yourself with the laws of nature.
The first key?
Excelling at the art of heart-to-heart conversations.
When you communicate effectively you:
Feel safe and create safety for your children.
Can speak and ask for what you need so your friends and family can help you.
Trust yourself and stop outsourcing your intuition so you connect with your spirit allies and ancestors.
Communication is how an old growth forest thrives. When you learn the art of communication your entire community benefits.
~ Juliana Christine