Greetings lovely, I’m Juliana
I’m so glad you’re here. I walk my path in devotion to bringing everything I know and embody about relationships to you.
I am a daughter of the Earth and the Sky. I walk with my feet firmly grounded, my heart open and attuned to my womb.
My offerings to you come from 2 decades of transforming anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies into joy, gratitude and a fierce devotion to walking through the hard stuff. My commitment transformed my relationship with my mum (and her with her mum). My dedication took me from being alone and feeling misunderstood by women to being surrounded by soul sisters (both in person and online). My devotion helped me consciously uncouple from my ex-fiancé in the most loving, messy and open hearted act I have ever walked with another person. (Mess in relationships is needed and necessary to get to the gold underneath).
I know that your ability to create open hearted, inter-dependent and joyful relationships will save the world.
We are living through the era shift that ancient civilizations predicted. When you look to social media and the news it can feel terrifying. You can see so much crumbling around us. From marriages to countries. From Hollywood to political policies. But it’s so important to remember to turn to the Earth and see what she shows us. In every death and crumbling moment, there is an offering and opportunity for new life.
The golden opportunity right now is to stop shutting down your emotions, stop locking away your true dreams (and believing the lie that they’re not realistic) and to stop waiting for someone else to save you from uncertainty.
We need a world full of highly intuitive and emotionally proficient adults. When you trust yourself and know how to cultivate safety within you, your relationships, and the Earth, you will thrive (and so will your children).
A somatic psychotherapist by trade, I weave together my body based psychology practice with Human Design, the unseen energies, womb devotion and your voice so that you can create relationships that are as joyful, supportive and perfectly messy as an old growth forest.
I’m looking forward to walking with you.
✨ Fun Facts About Me ✨
Scorpio Sun + Mercury: I love going deep. A palm reader once called me Persephone. I can go deep and dark but will always rise with flowers and gifts from what I learned. This is why I can walk with you, wherever you need to go.
3/5 Splenic Projector: I make an excellent guide (if you recognize me). I am deeply intuitive and know that mistakes are only opportunities to discover gold.
In 2023, I sold all my things and moved down to Mexico. It was nothing that I expected and everything my soul needed. Sometimes God knows what we need more that we do.
My first career was in forestry. I flew in helicopters and mapped the ecosystems in my home province of BC. I have been privileged to walk on mountain tops and valleys where few, if any, have walked. I am so grateful for my adventure in this career because it is where I remembered my reverence for the Mother Earth.
I’ve been chased by a bear and I sprayed myself in the face with bear spray as I ran away from him (yep, I ran!).
When you courageously turn towards your shadow, you naturally invite your light to shine even brighter.
~ Juliana Christine